Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Very Hungry Catepillar

Our day began with the reading of Brett's new book The Very Hungry Catepillar. Little did we know, we had a very hungry catepillar of our own!
Kate had captured this little guy the day before. We put a dandelion in his jar and it was GONE (the dandelion) within minutes.

We then headed to the annual Butterfly Festival at Powell Gardens.

Scott wore white to attract the butterflies. I think it worked!

The face does not get better than this...


cherryl said...

So fun to see all your summer posts... wait a minute, you can actually BE outside in the summer?? (and not in a pool) I don't think you are missing AZ right now! All of your science experiments look so fun, my Dallin would love them all.

Jess said...

What a fun thing to go to and I loved all the pictures! I love Kate's hair short, it is so cute!