Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Superhero School for Boys

What a wild ride it has been! Such and an adventure of a school year that has sped by faster than a speeding bullet! Many memories were made as we explored the world of ABC's! I cannot believe the school year is at its end! Four superhero buddies! I doubt they will ever be able to think of superheroes and not remember their time together in preschool!
Our field trips were so fun! Once a month we all got together and explored a new place. We tried to apply it to what we were learning that month.

As seen above, the boys are all fluent readers! At least when it comes to Dr. Seuss!! Each superhero day was busy, busy, busy with all kinds of fun things to learn about!

S is for sword! S is for SUPERHEROES! S is for silly boys having a silly time.

One of our favorite activities was writing our letters in shaving cream on the counter. A great way to disinfect your counter and get those fingers forming letters at the same time! The kids think they are getting away with something and you look like a really cool mom!


Laura said...

I want to be a superhero!!

The Wiser Side said...

you are such a cool mom!